Office of Organizing Agricultural Jihad Centers and Extension Network
Office of Organizing Agricultural Jihad Centers and Extension Network with the necessary policy and planning to support and equip the extension network of the country, in order to promote extension programs and increase the coverage of these activities, a special opportunity to achieve human resource development goals in the sector. This office helps to provide agriculture and rural development.
The physical structure of the country's extension network includes rural agricultural centers as the central of the network. In this regard, coordination and planning of empowerment of human resources working in the centers in order to increase the expertise of these forces is one of the main activities. Also in this office, policy-making and planning in order to use all governmental and non-governmental capacities in the form of construction processes, mobilization and affairs related to centers are main priority.

- Empower and organize extension agents and organize the extension network within the needs, priorities and policies of the agricultural sector.
- Application of information and communication technologies in the agricultural extension and education network for design, creation, establishment, operation and management of databases, information systems, ICT communication systems and computer and Internet networks to extend on-line and remote extension and virtual extension services required agricultural extension network.

- Expansion and diversification of appropriate structures to carry out extension measures in order to design, create and establish a network of agents for the promotion and training of multi-sectoral and thematic agricultural products and products based on regional advantages.
- Meet the needs of the network of extension agents (spaces, facilities, equipment, etc.)
- Assessment of needs, supply and absorption, extension assistants for rural facilitators , rural youth, consulting services companies, agricultural technical and engineering, etc.
- Preparing, compiling and following up the, regulations, instructions and standards required by the network of agents of agricultural extension and education.
- Determining the necessary policy for designing, creating, establishing and developing a virtual extension network.
- Attract participation, assistance and facilities of public and private institutions in strengthening, developing and empowering governmental and non-governmental extension networks
- Study of approaches, methods and models, regional and local consulting services of agricultural extension and education network.
- Preparing and compiling projects and programs required by the Agricultural Extension Network.
- Monitoring, directing and supporting the network of government extension agents with emphasis on agricultural jihad centers.
- Adopting the necessary measures to improve the level of access of subsistence farmers to extension and educational services.
- Planning to exchange experiences and technical knowledge of extension network operators at international, national, regional and local level.s
- Construction mobilization plan in the agricultural sector.
- Planning to identify, equip, train and support the people's volunteer manpower.
- Planning to optimize the process of attracting, organizing and employing young people in the field of construction.
- Preparation and compilation of monitoring and evaluation system and effectiveness of the activities of the network of extension agents, construction mobilization plan and extension and educational technologies and its implementation.